FCW. Tayside’s premier wrestling experience. Monthly shows in Perth. Company based in Dundee.

Emily Hayden

Former FCW Women’s Champion

Emily Hayden

Oh look! It’s me, #WrestleBeech

CHeerful Coachella champ who always puts up a fight and has fun while doing so.

Wrestling last girl

held the FCW Women’s Champion for

70 days

won the FCW Women’s Championship on THE 17th of February 2023 against Brodie Adler

Lost the fcw women’s championship to Sirena Rose, in fatal four way against Debbie Dahmer, Brodie Adler and Sirena Rose, on the 28th of April 2023






Watch Wrestlebeech defend their FCW Women’s Championship

Watch as the two former champs team up

__ Captured by Marion McGinn __
brodie adler fcw womens championship

Reigning Champion

sirena rose fcw womens championship

Former Champion

debbie dahmer fcw womens championship

Former Champion

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